Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Year is 2060 – A Believable Fiction?

Why did the US deconstruct?   Below are some of the factors.
  • A 12 ounce coke purchased in Copenhagen, Denmark costs the equivalent of $83.00.
  • Prior to the final deconstruction, 190,000,000 citizens were on food stamps.
  • In the end, a global entitlement culture slowed the growth of the economy even more than the sinking dollar. Productivity continued to sink, and innovation became nonexistent.
  • Social Security, military spending, Medicare and the retirement fund liability of the federal government were largely responsible. No realistic plans were implemented to remedy the relatively simple task of shaving off some of the benefits and/or raising taxes to slow and eventually stop the bleeding.
  • China owned most of the US debt.  Rather than allow the US to disintegrate further, China stepped in to salvage what was left in order to protect its investment as well as the 1.95 million private Chinese companies that have mushroomed from the glutinous buying frenzy of capitalist countries like the US and Europe.
The good news is that the world did NOT end in 2060 as predicted by Newton.  The bad news is that, at least from America’s perspective, the world did not END in 2060 as predicted by Newton.

It has been 30 years since the US went bankrupt. Decades of partisan bickering and back biting discord spawned a legacy of legislative inactivity and terminal paralysis. Our aloof president sat idle, observing the dysfunction from afar, self absorbed and detached from reality, irrationally pontificating misinformed gibberish, while expecting that every word from his mouth be accepted as gospel, assigning blame to everyone for the country’s dilemma but himself.  Spiraling budget deficits sparked by runaway spending and multiplying entitlement programs exceeded the 931 trillion dollar budget deficit threshold.  The only legislation successfully passed by congress was the repetitive act of raising the debt ceiling.  The value of the dollar continued its free flowing dive toward the abyss; the Yuan has long replaced it as the world currency.  China owned most of our debt.  These were the factors responsible for the deconstruction of the America we once knew.  All of its real property, people and intellectual property are now owned by China.  We no longer have to affix the label Made in China to any item sold here – it is a given!

We now live under the autocratic rule and governance of China – AKA Little Brother.  The public is referred to by their individually assigned numbers. The fabric of living has drastically changed.  All behavior is controlled, albeit subliminally. Deviant behavior – rare as it is - is ruthlessly punished. We are taxed for everything we do, for every mouthful of food, every breath of air, every flush of the toilet, every pound of weight we carry beyond the ideal – as defined by Little Brother, and every medical treatment that is required for a condition that Little Brother determines to be preventable or undesirable. Do not expect your loved one to return home anytime soon or at all if the Little Brother Security Brigade visits you for any perceived or actual infraction.  A zero tolerance policy is enforced.  There are no courts; China governs with impunity and their decision is final.

Consumers live in homes they must lease – everything belongs to Little Brother. Everything is monitored.  Monitoring is not only by video; it is all encompassing and works in the background. For example, the “home” is enclosed in a discrete unit that measures airflow and oxygen consumption.  CO2 produced by humans through metabolism and respiration, as well as CO2 emissions spewed out of motor devises such as cars and home engines are also measured.  Consumers are taxed for consuming oxygen as well as producing CO2.  Water consumption is tracked, and taxes are levied based on consumption.  Stool and urine is passed from conventional looking toilets into a Chang Fu Auto-Analysis Counter, analyzed and quantified for fat, protein, and carbohydrates, the presence of medications, illicit drugs, and other metabolic byproducts that reflect normal and abnormal health conditions.  In addition to tracking usage, real-time reports are relayed to the Metabolic Life Adjudication Council.  Nothing is left to chance.  All refuse is ultimately recycled but not before it is sifted, cataloged, quantitated, and analyzed. 

Food and drink come irradiated and must be decontaminated before safe consumption.  This ensures that Little Brother keeps track of every consumer’s food and drink intake.  The decontamination method for any unit of food or drink is accomplished in a Wong Sui Kang Decontamination Chamber that is activated by a China Individual Identification Card – (CIIC – pronounced sic), which identifies every human by number.  This links every unit of food and drink to a specific human consumer. 

Behavior was surprisingly easy to control.  Decades of exposure and the continuous assault from TV, computer monitors, store front signs and screens, and smart phones has conditioned humans to become inexorably dependent upon these devices.  But, this dependency is no longer dependent upon humans remaining affixed to their computer, TV, smart phone, smart watch, storefront monitors, large community screens, and the numerous viewing screens in private businesses. To be sure, these devices provided the necessary forerunner to the accelerated epigenetic transformation of the human brain at the locus of the fronto-parietal lobe, creating an electromagnetic wireless receptor nucleus which has now been "hard wired" meaning that it has been eternally programmed to receive impulses and transmissions exclusively from Little Brother.  Each human has their own Individual Processing address – AKA the IP address. These transmissions merge the mesmerizing effects of social and entertainment media with a ubiquitous and continuous flow of subliminal messages and instruction that are embedded into the fabric of the broadcast.  No longer do humans see what they see.  What they “see” is controlled by the wireless impulses fashioned by Little Brother.  Reality is virtual reality; there is no reality beyond that.  

Most but not all humans are easily programmable – some lack the neural circuitry to do so. Humans are fined and taxed for aberrant behavior.  Little Brother defines all aberrant behavior.  Beyond the litany of the usual crimes, new categories of crime have emerged.  Eating too little or too much, an improper diet of food or drink, alcohol, exercising too little or in excess, wearing clothes not on the Chan Fong Huang approved dress list are examples. The goal is a healthy, work productive population of cooperative humans in order to maximize the return on investment. To accomplish this, virtually everything that passes into your mouth or through any orifice of your body is monitored and reported to Little Brother.  Taxing is meant as a powerful disincentive to any act of noncompliance. Taken to the extreme, you and your family can be taxed to extinction.

Video cameras tract the movement of every human in real time.  Hence, crimes are detected through video surveillance and a video systems analyst determines guilt.  With multiple cameras converging on any one target, it is impossible to avoid the imposing eyes of Little Brother snooping continuously on every moment of every human.  The concept of privacy seems an implausible foreign concept of the past. Indeed, Little Brother knows everything about everybody it owns.  Courts and testimonies are no longer needed, decisions are final and the sentence is passed immediately and so is the punishment.

A few facts of “life” in 2060
  •  Your every move is monitored and tracked.  Surveillance cameras are virtually everywhere including the bedroom.  However, we are assured that Little Brother only reviews private and intimate personal videos in situations that threaten national security.
  • You are allowed two sex partners at any time.  Homosexual relations are outlawed.  Your sexual encounters are monitored to insure compliance.
  • Income and living conditions are based not only on experience, skills, education and job role, but also on a number of health and living conditions that determine burden and risk.
  • Humans from the US are not allowed to co-mingle or marry Chinese nationals.
  • Little Brother determines the number of children allowed in any household. This number varies depending upon race, intelligence, health indicators, natural talents and abilities.
  • Abortion decisions are the domain of Little Brother. Pregnancies beyond the allotted number are punishable by imprisonment, heavy fines and taxes, and death if the unauthorized pregnancy represents a second infraction. 
  • Consumers that reach the lowest point of income, which cannot sustain level 1 living conditions, are relocated to the Mei Fen Tong Chi Home, a gated rural community center complex, to starve to death in isolation in order to reduce the chances of spreading infection.  Carcasses are disposed of by incineration or if uninfected at death, are offered as food to animals in the wilderness.  
  • Anti-Little Brother Propaganda or any other infractions against Little Brother is punishable by death by public flogging, hanging, quartering, or burning at the stake.  Those refusing to participate in the public decree are taxed heavily or imprisoned.
  • July 4th is now referred to Dependence Day

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