Monday, February 11, 2013

Chinese New Years - 2013 - Year of the Snake

This was a SPECIAL New Years celebration hosted by Marie and Paul Laderta at the Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant on February 2nd. Most attending were part of the circle of dance friends associated with Divino Ritmo Dance Studio. At least one of us had one too many. 
Here is Marie Laderta with Geoffrey Fells
Paul Laderta is standing in the background. I am being held up
 by my dance teacher, Yanna.  Nothing  new....
she holds me up when we're dancing as well!  But I try not to
scare the judges with funny faces during competitions.
Maybe more than one of us had 1 too many.
"Well, of course Obama care will increase health care costs for Americans"
My favorite of the lot!
For the life of me, I can't remember what was so funny. 
Marie feeding Jones.  Plenty food and drink!
Marie and Paul - Mahalo Plenty for this fabulous feast! 

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