Friday, February 8, 2013

The Earth Cries in Pain

The earth is young considering its 4.5 billion year life, but growing prematurely old and weak due to the reckless, reprehensible abuse by the human race.  We have inhabited, infested and infected the earth beginning 200,000 years ago.  Not quite as dramatic as a sweeping swarm of locusts mowing down  everything in their path, humans have progressively inflicted a devastating assault on the earth, including its sea and surrounding atmosphere.  

Man has assaulted and violated the earth with no regret.  Poisonous exhaust fumes are shamelessly released that envelops the earth with a murky impenetrable out layer.  It suffocates and contains the earths's atmosphere, warmed by the enclosure, forcing smut into our lungs and in through our skin, covering the grass and flowers and foliage, settling finally on the food we grow and eat.  Our response is to expect a miracle to cure the growing list of diseases that we have caused by our own hands.

Prodding and poking the earth for energy, industrial stilettos move deeper and deeper, taking right and left turns to cover more and more of earth’s deepest tissues and organs.  We suck out the inner parts, blind to what is destroyed during the impalement, extraction and withdrawal.  We refine what we can use for energy and discard the rest - adding more degraded noxious remains to dissolve and destroy the earth.  We understand very little for what we have done during our journey of destruction.  But we  know we have dislocated the natural order of earth’s living rhythm.  We have insured that the earth will forever remain angry and seek vengeance for our dastardly deeds. 

We have plowed and prodded, cut and carved, drilled and bombed.  We have wantonly discarded waste onto and into the soil, into the heretofore pristine oceans and sparkling rivers, and into the air which we can taste as bitter acidity but can no longer breathe or see beyond. We have changed the landscape of the world forever. This has been done in the name of survival of the human race. It has been done for pleasure and sport, as well as the unrelenting pursuit of power through war games.  The rubble and dust that permeates the earth’s air provides evidence for such sweeping destruction.

The earth weeps in pain and reacts with anger.  The earth mourns its own impending destruction at the hands of humans; bursts of tears cover the earth unpredictably.  Sometimes they are short bursts.  At other times, they result in torrential inundations lasting days to weeks drowning large land masses, destroying man-made structures, and burying everything in sight.  This is just the beginning.

The earth is in pain, wounded, scarred and scared.  It moans and groans. It thunders, it cries. It shoots out bolts of lightning. It shakes and convulses violently. It vibrates and cracks to reveal large gaping wounds. It spurts its molten flesh to release the swelling internal pressure.  It splashes its shores and angrily musters the power to blanket the inlands with a sheet of the ocean floor. It summons the power of its fierce breath drawn from every direction, swirling as a whirlwind down to earth, dissolving everything in its path.

Earth will destroy Man and the Earth that we “created”.  Anger spawns anger. Thrashing of our shores with wind and rain and flood has replaced the gentle watering of our flowers, the rainbows, the replenishment of our lakes.  Cracks in our earth continue to grow, to erupt brazenly, without warning, grinding, decapitating and decimating towns into rubble, obliterating them as though they never existed. The earth continues its deadly dance.   

Earth will outlive Man.  Sometimes the pain is too great.  The anger is palpable.  The earth is no longer in harmony.  The human race was its enemy. The earth will live a few billion years longer than the human race.  It has rid itself of this curse.  Perhaps it will try again to find another species of living creature that is more sensitive, more creative, and more cognizant of themselves and their mother earth.  Maybe they will be careful not to disrupt or destroy the world around them.  Even if this is not done for good, the lessons from the past might provide inspiration to respect the earth and their fellow species, to treat them both kindly and with dignity, and to live in harmony. 

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
Revelation, 21. 4

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