Monday, February 4, 2013


I've had a visceral reaction against tattoos ever since my daughter defiled a good part of her skin with several space occupying creepy crawly figures. She told me that there is meaning to each of them. I told her the message to me was that when she woke up one morning and saw the fading smearing remains of her tattoos no longer pleasant to look at, that I should not be the one that she thinks of to pay for their removal.    

As my skin gets older, less vital, I helplessly witness the invasion of age related skin lesions, discolorations, papules, tags, wrinkles, graying and thinning hair, and distended veins making their unwelcome way to permanently reside on my ectoderm.  This makes me even more appalled and shocked by the number of beautiful young people, men and women, who have intentionally tattooed over large chunks of their heretofore unblemished skin.

I echo the view of Tony Parsons quoted below, and I have learned a new word in the process - thicko

"Tattoos are everywhere. You see them on firm young flesh and on wobbly, middle-aged flab, as common now on the school run and in the ­supermarket queue as they are on some footballer or his wife."
"I feel like the last man left alive whose skin crawls at the sight of these crass daubings."
"The tattooed nation (England) will live to regret this voluntary disfigurement."
"A tattoo doesn’t make you look like an individual. A tattoo makes you look a thicko. You’ll all look silly when you’re 60."

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