Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Deer Valley REVISITED - December 2022


One of the most beautiful sights to the senses is freshly fallen snow captured in flight by the intricate latticework of naked tree branches that meet its path - not only passively resting, but often weighing down these branching tentacles in creating imaginative, artistic images, and when the snow is violently dumping, even "snow ghosts".  The photos above were helped by the work of the snow making machines that are busy 24/7, adding to the already generous accumulation of snow at Deer Valley......very unusual to see such snow so early in the ski season, prompting Deer Valley to open up one week earlier than expected. 

Arriving early at Deer Valley,  I was joined by a fellow skier on the lift. I was complaining about something or another, attributing my limitations to my old age.  The fellow next to me asked my age, I exclaimed 76.......... so I felt compelled to ask him the same....... he responded 90. Yikes, I kept my mouth closed for the rest of the lift up the mountain....

Other tidbits to chew on..... 

Day 1: I have been lucky to meet up with other old men on the ski lifts; everyone is friendly and tells me their life’s story in the ~ 5-7 minute ride up the mountain. From Arizona and Texas, all happy to be on the mountain enjoying the day’s fresh snow and sunny and pleasant surroundings. There is nothing like the panorama of white blanketing the visible reaches of the earth, including snow covered trees and the delicately balanced mounds of snow outlining the terminal branches.  The snow machines produce another perspective, filling in large swathes of terrain in heaping mounds of snow that tempts you to jump off of the lift into this artificial cushion of soft snow…..to disappear from site and the harsh world that we presently inhabit.  

The second day was mostly sunny, and the softness of the snow prevented it from having a crunchy, iced over feel.  Plus it snowed the night before to add another few inches of reserve for the afternoon skied over terrain.  I started to venture out to blues I had avoided most of the time over the last few years.  All tolerable, some more enjoyable than others but the choices were few given the limited number of runs that were groomed.  Still a very enjoyable day ….. skied for about 4 hours = 18.3 miles top speed 37mph.  I knew when to quit, but I felt a little sad to leave Deer Valley in the afternoon with the sun out and lovely ski conditions that one could guaranty would not be there the next morning.  The third day proved me correct in my prediction, but I concentrated on the groomed blues which were in more abundance than the previous two days.  Another great day.....

One of the best things about the skiing this time was the dearth of skiers on the runs.  I was a little concerned as I skied from run to run wondering if I fell and hurt myself how long it would take for someone to pass by and lend a hand.  

Alone, I was hardly adventuresome in my apres ski moments.  Two trips to Costco, two trips to Walmart which is conveniently located behind the home 2 suites – and a 20 yard walk from my room out the back door of the hotel….. how sweet these suites……..

One night at Roberts, one night at a recommended pizza place called The Pie… excellent! - salad and 14 inch pizza that sent me packing with half of the pizza to bank into my refrigerator at the hotel.  I also have one of two Sapporo beers I bought at Walmart. The big question for me is do I scrap the left over pizza and beer and venture to the Mumbai House that I have been wanting to do since getting here?  I’m sure I will ruminate over that question for the rest of the day and then make an irrational last minute decision that will somehow feel anticlimactic................. I did in the end go to the Mumbai House and was treated to an OUTSTANDING meal - what a great restaurant!

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