Thursday, March 28, 2013

Big White - the Fall

Well, I had a fall yesterday, nothing too bad....I was near the bottom of the mountain and looked back to see how my friend MJ was doing and lost my footing.  But my legs got yanked as my skis went into different directions before a ski was dislodged from my left boot. This occurred right in front of the medical bungalow.  Some young man helped me collect my skis.  He said at least you fell in the right place. Ordinarily, I would not have sustained any injury but because it stretched my legs apart from each other, I may have re-injured my groin a bit. It didn't stop me from skiing the rest of the afternoon and while the muscle is tender, its not debilitating like the first injury.  The truth is that the initial injury never really healed, still lingering with me even as I boarded the Westjet flight to Big White.

I'm writing this note icing my left groin and overdosing on ibuprofen.  Come to think of it, my left knee is a bit sore and won't flex all of the way, but no pinpoint pain can be detected or pain when i walk.  Actually I walk just fine despite the effects of the fall. If I were 15 years old, I would just ignore the injury and pretend it didn't happen.  It would heal in an instant to prepare the body for the next fall.  But  I am not 15 years old. Even my 38 year old son laughs off injuries, ignoring them until they somehow disappear - although he has recently complained that he is sustaining injuries that linger on beyond their welcome. That healing capacity is related to age is an annoying reality. Truly, no matter what I do to keep myself healthy, feeling and looking young, I cannot escape my body's incapacity to heal like it did when I was in my youth. Grummmm.....

You can never control the uncontrollable. You try and you try but that's all you can do. Can't live my life afraid of the curve balls of the day. Life would be dull if it was totally under control, predictable and boring.  My life is anything but boring. 

flanked by MJ - left and Mayra

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