Thursday, February 28, 2013

Heritage Classic 2013 - Day 3

Dance missteps and brain fart occur when you least expect them.  You are performing your routine and something comes to your mind to distract you or someone comes in your way that forces you to navigate instantaneously out of harms way.  For me, when it happens, my brain goes dead, like a burned out light bulb. Suddenly you are left paralyzed, having lost whatever motor control of your body you had moments before. Then the messy part you attempt to squirm your way to safety and regain your composure.  You waggle around trying anything to restart the engine of the dance.  Most of the time your frame collapses and your attempt is foiled by indecision and ineptitude.  

Most dance competitions are riddled with these lovely events, but they seldom come at the beginning of the routine like they did today.  Yanna got so exasperated with me that at one point, she looked at me and said, you did a basic step when an underarm was expected, and your timing is off so we're going to start it from the beginning.  There were other events that were just as embarrassing.  I somehow survived them and got through the day.  Unlike my frequent brain farts, Yanna is able to fend for herself in almost any situation.  I think it was a foxtrot we were dancing when an arm from a neighboring competitor was moving swiftly across the dance floor aimed at Yannas head.   While I had visions of some massive take down injury, Yanna instantly responded with a ducking motion that was executed perfectly while still holding her frame as well as guiding me in my routine.  She did this without the slightest twinge of fear, emotion or concern.  This did not go unnoticed as I could not help but begin to laugh in awe and with joy.  We somehow got through the routine without further incident.

Yanna had a lot to be upset with me about today. She is brave to be my teacher. But at least I didn't totally disappoint her and despite the foils and missteps of the day, it ended on a good note.

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