Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sugino Good Will Festival - 2013

Another event at the Pacific Beach Hotel.  Started off bad, but ended on a positive note. Overall fun.  No parking to begin with.  Had to circle around looking for alternatives, finally resorted to valet.  Getting to the ballroom, the sound of the music gently filled the air masking the stale stench of the ballroom. The music was good and I danced an assortment of dances mostly with dance partner Emi but also with a few others.  The performances from Divino Ritmo were all very respectable; Bella continue to dazzle the crowd with her advanced skills and confidence.  A new student danced with Yanna as well as an older student......not me.  The Japanese professional couple was pretty amazing and they received two standing ovations for their flawless dancing, filled with energy and skill.  They simply mesmerized the crowd and even got Al Franz excited as he cheered on from the sideline..... 

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