Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas in Waikiki 2013

Tired.  Just came home after a two-hour walk in the hot sun in Waikiki.  Hard to tell the difference between today and any other day….. very little Christmas decorations for the tourists.  Felt like a typical Sunday.

White locals and tourists with their hobbling gate, weathered skin, drooping bodies unbalanced by their sagging waist lines pulling them down toward the beach sand, and overdressed Asians curiously taking in the sites.  Yes, a pretty typical day in Waikiki. 

But it was great for me, headphones tuned to 105.1 FM for really good Hawaiian Christmas music and knowing that when I got tired and/or lost, all I would have to do is pull out $1 and my Medicare card to get back to Ala Moana Center in an air conditioned bus where I parked my car. 

Just some of the few reminders of Christmas displayed at the Sheraton Hotel and the Royal Hawaiian.  Last two from the International Marketplace.
Waikiki Sheraton lobby
Waikiki Sheraton lobby
Royal Hawaiian Hotel
International Market Place
International Market Place store curiously called the Christmas Store
evidence of my encounter

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